302128-B21 Rapid Deployment Pack
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  • 302128-B21

    Rapid Deployment Pack

    P/N: 302128-B21
    EAN:   0613326643518

    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31

    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Dobierz dodatkowo:

    Pomyśl o dobraniu opcji do sprzętu, który chcesz zakupić.

    Posiadamy portoflio opcji nie tylko do modeli aktualnych w ofercie producenta, ale także do starszych modeli, które nie są już produkowane.

    Informacje dodatkowe

    HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack (RDP) is a server deployment solution that facilitates the installation, configuration, and deployment of high-volumes of servers through either a GUI-based or a web-based console, using either scripting or imaging technology. Server configuration time is reduced, making it possible to scale server deployments to high volumes in rapid fashion.

    RDP encompasses the HP SmartStart Scripting Toolkit, drivers, agents and configuration utilities, HP supplied deployment jobs, easy-to-use installation process, and important support & documents. Tightly integrated with HP Systems Insight Manager, this deployment solution makes deploying a server as easy as selecting one, a few or hundreds of target servers and selecting predefined images or scripts and click "Run".


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