AG306A HP StorageWorks 9030 Virtual Library System
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  • AG306A

    HP StorageWorks 9030 Virtual Library System

    P/N: AG306A
    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31


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    Informacje dodatkowe

    Integrating seamlessly into existing backup applications and processes, the HP StorageWorks 9000 Virtual Library System accelerates backup performance in complex SAN environments while improving overall reliability. Emulating popular tape libraries and tape drive formats, the HP 9000 Virtual Library System matches the existing data protection environment, removing the need to change backup software or monitoring policies. By emulating multiple tape libraries/drives simultaneously, more backup jobs can be done in parallel resulting in reduced backup times. Additionally, because the data resides on disk, single file restores are exceptionally fast. The HP 9000 Virtual Library System is a multi-node Virtual Library System appliance that simplifies your SAN environment by providing more virtual devices, reducing the complexity of shared storage while maintaining the manageability of a single system.


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