AP750A oprogramowanie HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform
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  • AP750A

    oprogramowanie HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform Extension Pair Data Path Module

    P/N: AP750A
    EAN:   0884420835752

    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    Ocena produktu:  


    Cena i elastyczne finansowanie

    Strefa pomocy



    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31

    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Pomyśl o dobraniu opcji do sprzętu, który chcesz zakupić.

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    Informacje dodatkowe

    Targeted at enterprise and mid-size firms that are experiencing significant storage growth, the HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform (SVSP) helps customers improve efficiency, simplify operations and lower TCO.

    With its innovative split-path architecture, the HP SVSP provides centrally managed storage pooling and virtual volume provisioning of HP and non-HP storage resources. It enables high scalability, top performance, and high availability of all SAN resources while also bringing substantial improvements to managing enterprise storage, reducing costs and improving asset utilization. The SVSP also offers a comprehensive set of data services including volume management, data migration, copy services (clones and snapshots), synchronous and asynchronous mirroring and thin provisioning.

    Finally, with the SVSP Starter Kits, you can start experiencing the benefits of a virtualized storage infrastructure with an easier to adopt all-inclusive packaging.

    Simplified Management of Heterogeneous SAN Deployments

    • Consolidate heterogeneous arrays into virtual pools to further simplify management of your SAN storage.

    Lower Costs

    • Consolidate storage platforms into virtual pools to reclaim unused and stranded capacity to improve utilization and lower capital expenses.

    Performance and Scalability that Evolves with your Needs

    • Leading edge, innovated split-path architecture provides high availability and top performance for all your SAN resources.

    Reliable to Help you Decrease Business Risk

    • Improve application recovery from failures through well integrated low-capacity snapshots and virtual disk group technologies.

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