BA153BA Licencja HP Data Prot Opn File Bkup 10-Srvrsr LTU Incl
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  • BA153BA

    Licencja HP Data Prot Opn File Bkup 10-Srvrsr LTU Incl LTU for Open File Backup of applications, DB & email files running on Windows servesr, LTU for 10 servers.

    P/N: BA153BA
    EAN:   0882780677821

    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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    Informacje dodatkowe

    Czas serwisowania (dni x godziny)7x24
    Czas reakcji1 h
    System operacyjnyWindows 2000\nWindows XP\nWindows 2000 Professional\nWindows 2000 SP3\nWindows XP Professional SP1
    Minimalne wymagania systemoweNetscape Navigator 4.7.x\nNetscape 7.x\nMozilla 1.7\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
    Wymagania systemoweMinimalne wymagania systemoweBroad coverage of HP-UX, Windows, Solaris, Tru64, OpenVMS, NetWare, Linux, AIX, and other operating environments; HP StorageWorks XP/EVA, and EMC Symmetrix disk array support for ZDB/IR; Backup to disk supports any storage that the server's operating system supports; HP StorageWorks Tape libraries, StorageTek, ADIC, IBM.
    Szczegóły TechniczneSystem operacyjnyMost operating systems, please see the support matrices for details.
    Wymiary produktu (SxGxW)222.3 x 6.4 x 142.9 mm
    Rozmiar8.75 "
    Waga produktu230 g
    Obsługiwane przeglądarkiNetscape Navigator 4.7.x, Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.7 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.
    Ochrona danych i aplikacjiMost file servers, applications, and databases. Please see the support matrices for details.
    Obsługiwane aplikacjeClusters: Microsoft Cluster Server, HP MC/Serviceguard, VERITAS Cluster, Tru64 Cluster, Novell Netware Cluster, OpenVMS Cluster, HP EFS Clustered Gateway; Zero-downtime backup: HP Business Copy XP and Continuous Access XP, HP Business Copy EVA and HP-UX Campus Cluster for HP Virtual Array (like Continuous Access), EMC TimeFinder and EMC SRDF, HP CA EVA; Instant recovery: HP Disk Array XP, EVA; Direct backup (server-less backup): HP Disk Array XP.
    Wymagania dotyczące systemów klienckichOn Systems Running UNIX: Netscape Navigator 4.7.x or Netscape Navigator 7.0 or Mozilla 1.4 for Data Protector online help on UNIX; The integrated daemon must be up and running; The Web browser must be able to run under the same account as Data Protector. On Systems Running Windows 2000: Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2; Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 1; Have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher installed on the system
    Wymagania dotyczące instalacji serweraOn Systems Running HP-UX: 64 MB RAM; 512 MB of disk space; On Systems Running Solaris 8/9/10: 64 MB RAM; 512 MB of disk space; On Systems Running Windows 2000/XP: 64 MB RAM (Windows 2000 Professional); 250 MB of disk space; Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or later; Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 1; Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or later; On Systems Running Windows 2003 (32-bit & 64-bit x86_64): 64 MB RAM (Windows 2000 Professional); 250 MB of disk space; Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or later; On Systems Running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (64-bit x86_64): 64 MB RAM (Windows 2000 Professional); 250 MB of disk space.

    Uprzejmie informujemy, że mimo wszelkich starań specyfikacja może być nieaktualna, a zamieszczona zdjęcia nie zawsze odpowiadają rzeczywistemu wyglądowi produktu.


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