DW086A napęd taśmowy HP Ultrium 448 SAS External Drive
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  • DW086A

    napęd taśmowy HP Ultrium 448 SAS External Drive

    P/N: DW086A
    EAN:   0882780520189

    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31

    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Informacje dodatkowe

    Artykuły ZaopatrzeniaPojemność bez kompresji200 GB
    Pojemność po kompresji400 GB
    PamięćRozmiar bufora64 MB
    Przekazanie (audycja) DanychWspółczynnik ciągłego przepływu danych (skompresowany)48 MB/s
    Prędkość ciągłego transferu danych24 MB/s
    Czas wyszukiwania64 s
    Szczegóły TechniczneWewnętrznyNie
    Wskaźnik kompresji2:1
    System odtwarzania płyt wideoLTO Ultrium 1 (read and write); LTO Ultrium 2 (read and write)
    Typ napęduLTO-2
    Obsługa podłączania podczas pracyNie
    Szyfrowanie / bezpieczeństwoNie
    Interfejs hosta3 Gb/sec SAS
    Funkcje techniczneAffordable LTO technology\nHigh-capacity drives that store up to 800 GB of data on a single cartridge with 2:1 compression\nInternal, external, array module and rack-mounted models available\nCompact half-height form factor\nHP One-Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR) restores your entire system at the touch of a button\nIncludes HP StorageWorks Data Protector Express Single Server Edition backup/recovery software and the HP StorageWorks Data Protector Express Bare Metal Disaster Recovery option\nData rate matching continuously adjusts the speed of the tape drive to that of the server or network environment, which increases performance, reduces mechanical wear on the drive, and extends tape life\nFully read-and-write compatible with Ultrium drives and media from other manufacturers\nActive head cleaning provides automated cleaning that increases head life and reduces the need for using the cleaning cartridge\nEnterprise-class capacity and reliability
    Możliwość rozszerzeńHP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools (L&TT) enables firmware downloads
    Funkcja one button disaster recoveryTak
    Technologia nagrywaniaLTO-2 Ultrium 448
    Współczynnik niewykrytych błędów1 x 10(17) bits read
    Technologia nagrywania8-channel linear serpentine
    Waga produktu10.3 lb lbs
    ŁącznośćInne połączenia68-pin HD LVDS
    Interfejs SCSI3 GB/sec SAS
    Waga i rozmiaryWymiary produktu (SxGxW)223.5 x 297.2 x 76.2 mm
    Waga produktu4670 g
    Rozmiar8.8 "
    Waga i rozmiaryObudowa5.25-inch half-height
    System operacyjny/oprogramowanieDołączone oprogramowanieThe HP StorageWorks Ultrium tape drives include HP Data Protector Express Single Server Edition software. This easy to use backup application, based on Data Protector Express, robustly protects a single Windows, Linux or NetWare server. Also included is the Data Protector Express Bare Metal Disaster Recovery (BMDR) option which provides automated system recovery of the server following a major hardware or software failure. The fastest method to recovery the server is to use the Data Protector Express BMDR option and the One Button Disaster Recovery feature of the HP StorageWorks Ultrium tape drives. As well as getting the Data Protector Express Single Server Edition software as part of the HP StorageWorks Ultrium tape drives solution, purchasers can easily and economically upgrade to the class-leading Data Protector Express backup/recovery software. This is a special part number, only available for registered users of Data Protector Express Single Server Edition, that gives a significant discount off the regular price of Data Protector Express, to recognize the value of the in-box software. If the HP StorageWorks Ultrium tape drive is for a large environment that requires UNIX support and/or enterprise class application and feature support then HP Data Protector software is the recommended backup/recovery software.
    Warunki zewnętrzneZakres wilgotności względnej20 - 80 %
    Zakres temperatur (eksploatacja)10 - 40 °C
    Zakres temperatur (przechowywanie)-40 - 66 °C
    Dopuszczalna wilgotność względna10 - 95 %
    Dopuszczalna wilgotność względna10 - 95 %
    Wymagania systemoweSystem operacyjnyMicrosoft Windows, Novell NetWare, HP-UX, Red Hat Linux, United Linux, IBM-AIX, Sun Solaris and other operating systems
    Pakowanie danychWymiary opakowania (SxGxW)475 x 390 x 390 mm
    Waga wraz z opakowaniem8000 g

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