J4865A HP Procurve 4108GL
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  • J4865A

    HP Procurve 4108GL

    P/N: J4865A
    EAN: 0882780139435
    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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    535,18 zł (127,49 €)

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    658,27zł (156,81 €)

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    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Informacje dodatkowe

    ŁącznośćInne połączenia8 open module slots; Supports a maximum of 192 10/100 ports or 160 Gigabit ports and 16 mini-GBICs, or a combination\n8 open module slots; Supports a maximum of 192 10/100 ports or 160 Gigabit ports and 16 mini-GBICs, or a combination; 1 RS-232C DB-9 console port
    Sieć komputerowaStandardy komunikacyjneEN 55024/CISPR-24; ESD: IEC 61000-4-2, 4 kV CD, 8 kV AD; Radiated: IEC 61000-4-3, 3V/m; EFT/Burst: IEC 61000-4-4, 1.0 kV (power line), 0.5 kV (signal line); Surge: IEC 61000-4-5, 1 kV/2 kV AC; Conducted: IEC 61000-4-6, 3V; Power frequency magnetic field: IEC 61000-4-8, 1A/m, 50 or 60 Hz; Voltage dips and interruptions: IEC 61000-4-11, >95% reduction, 0.5 period, 30% reduction, 25 periods; Harmonics: EN 61000-3-2/IEC 61000-3-2; Flicker: EN 61000-3-3/IEC 61000-3-3
    Przekazanie (audycja) DanychWielkość tabeli adresów8.000 entries
    Przepustowość rutowania/przełączania36.6 Gbps Gbit/s
    ProtokołyObsługiwane protokoły siecioweRFC 783 TFTP; RFC 951 BootP; RFC 1542 BootP; RFC 854 Telnet; RFC 768 UDP; RFC 792 ICMP; RFC 793 TCP; RFC 826 ARP; RFC 2030 Simple Network Time Protocol; IEEE 802.3X Flow Control; DHCP Relay; RFC 2236 IGMPv1/v2/v3; IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree; IEEE 802.1w Rapid Convergence Spanning Tree; IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol; Cisco Fast EtherChannel (FEC); RFC 1492 TACACS+; RFC 2138 RADIUS; RFC 2866 RADIUS accounting; SSHv1/SSHv2 Secure Shell; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); IEEE 802.1X Network Login; IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging; IEEE 802.1Q GVRP; IEEE 802.1p Priority; SNMPv1/v2c/v3; HTML and telnet management; RFC 1493 Bridge MIB; RFC 1213 MIB II; RFC 2096 IP Forwarding Table MIB; RFC 2737 Entity MIB; RFC 2863 Evolution of Interface; RFC 2665 Ethernet MIB; RFC 2819 Four groups of RMON: 1 (statistics), 2 (history), 3 (alarm), and 9 (events); RFC 2021 RMON probe configuration (RMON v2); RFC 2668 802.3 MAU MIB; RFC 2613 SMON; RFC 2674 802.1p and 802.1Q Bridge MIB; RFC 2618 RADIUS Client MIB; RFC 2620 RADIUS Accounting MIB
    Waga i rozmiaryWaga produktu9400 g
    Zarządzanie energiąPobór mocy630 W
    Dostępność zasilania8.2/3.8 A W
    Szczegóły TechniczneMożliwości montowania w stelażuMounts in an EIA-standard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet (hardware included); horizontal surface mounting only
    Funkcje techniczneFast switch fabricFast switch fabric: high-performance switch fabric (up to 36.6 Gbps)\nBasic IP routingBasic IP routing: enables automatic routing with up to 16 external routes - including one default route - in IP networks\nVLAN support and taggingVLAN support and tagging: support complete 802.1Q (4,096 VLAN IDs) and 256 VLANs simultaneously\nPort securityPort security: prevents unauthorised access using MAC address lockdown\nFast Path TechnologyFast Path Technology: wire-speed switching of intramodule traffic for up to 71.4 million pps throughput\nOptional redundant power supplyOptional redundant power supply: provides uninterrupted power\nHot-swappable modulesHot-swappable modules: permit modules and mini-GBICs to be added or swapped without interrupting the network\nDual flash imagesDual flash images: provide independent primary and secondary OS files for backup while upgrading\n802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and HP trunking802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and HP trunking: support up to 6 trunks, each with up to 4 links (ports) per trunk; trunking across modules is supported\nTraffic prioritization (802.1p)Traffic prioritization (802.1p): allows real-time traffic classification into 8 priority levels mapped to 3 queues
    ZaświadczeniaBezpieczeństwocUL (CSA 950); EN 60950/IEC 950; NOM-019-SCFI-1994; UL 1950 3rd edition
    Warunki zewnętrzneZakres temperatur (eksploatacja)0 - 55 °C
    Zakres temperatur (przechowywanie)-40 - 70 °C
    Zakres wilgotności względnej15 - 95 %
    Dopuszczalna wilgotność względna15 - 95 %
    Dopuszczalna wysokość podczas eksploatacji (n.p.m.)4.500 m
    Emisja ciepła2152 BTU/h
    Pozostałe właściwościFunkcje zarządzaniaProCurve Manager (included); ProCurve Manager Plus;\ncommand line interface; Web browser; configuration menu; out-of--band management (serial RS-232C)
    Opóźnienie<10.2 μs (FIFO 64-byte packets)
    Wymiary produktu (SxGxW)442 x 389 x 222.3 mm
    Pamięć i procesorFabric: Motorola PowerPC @ 200 MHz, 8 MB flash, 32 MB SDRAM; Module: IDT MIPS32 @ 125 MHz, 512 KB flash, 512 KB SRAM; Packet buffer size: 1 MB
    Zasilanie100–127 VAC/200–240 VAC; 50/60 Hz

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