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Ocena produktu:
P/N: J9263A
EAN: 88442007578360884420075783
Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise(Brak ocen produktu)Zapytaj naszych specjalistów o:
- odpowiednik innego producenta
- ten sam produkt w innym stanie niż nowy (np. refurbished)
- inne/alternatywne rozwiązanieStan
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Cena i elastyczne finansowanie
Cena netto:
Cena netto:
1 522,46 zł (364,06 €)Cena brutto:
1 872,63zł (447,79 €)Negocjuj z nami cenę jeśli:
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Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31
Napisz: hp@112it.pl
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Posiadamy portoflio opcji nie tylko do modeli aktualnych w ofercie producenta, ale także do starszych modeli, które nie są już produkowane.Sprawdź co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić!
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Jeśli masz pytania, nasi specjaliści chętnie doradzą i przedstawią zasady licencjonowania oraz ceny.Informacje dodatkowe
Cechy zarządzania Typ przełącznika Managed Łączność Podstawowe przełączanie RJ-45 Liczba portów Ethernet 24 Inne połączenia 20 auto-sensing 10/100/1000 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10Base-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100Base-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000Base-T), Media Type: Auto-MDIX, Duplex: 10Base-T/100Base-TX: half or full; 1000Base-T: full only; 4 dual-personality ports, each port can be used as either an RJ-45 10/100/1000 port (IEEE 802.3 Type 10Base-T; IEEE 802.3u Type 100Base-TX; IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet) or an open mini-GBIC slot (for use with mini-GBIC transceivers); 1 RS-232C DB-9 console port Sieć komputerowa Standardy komunikacyjne IEC 61000-3-2; Flicker: EN 61000-3-3 Pełny dupleks Tak Podpora kontroli przepływu Tak Agregator połączenia Tak IGMP snooping Tak Przekazanie (audycja) Danych Wielkość tabeli adresów 10000 entries Przepustowość up to 35.7 million pps (64-byte packets) Mpps Maksymalna szybkość przesyłania danych 1 Gbit/s Protokoły Obsługiwane protokoły sieciowe RFC 1591 DNS (client); HTML and telnet management; IEEE 802.1ad Q-in-Q (Premium License); IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridges; IEEE 802.1p Priority; IEEE 802.1Q VLANs; IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees; IEEE 802.1v VLAN classification by Protocol and Port; IEEE 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree; IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP); IEEE 802.3x Flow Control; RFC 768 UDP; RFC 783 TFTP Protocol (revision 2); RFC 792 ICMP; RFC 793 TCP; UDLD (Uni-directional Link Detection); RFC 826 ARP; RFC 854 TELNET; RFC 868 Time Protocol; RFC 951 BOOTP; RFC 1058; RIPv1; RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol (revision 2); RFC 1519 CIDR; RFC 1542 BOOTP Extensions; RFC 2030 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) v4; RFC 2131 DHCP; RFC 2453 RIPv2; RFC 2548 (MS-RAS-Vendor only); RFC 3046 DHCP Relay Agent Information Option; RFC 3576 Ext to RADIUS (CoA only); RFC 3768 VRRP; \nRFC 4675 RADIUS VLAN & Priority; RFC 3376 IGMPv3 (host joins only); \nRFC 3973 Draft 2 PIM Dense Mode (Premium License); RFC 4601 Draft 10 PIM Sparse Mode (Premium License); RFC 1981 IPv6 Path MTU Discovery; RFC 2460 IPv6 Specification; RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for IPv6; RFC 2925 Remote Operations MIB (Ping only); RFC 3019 MLDv1 MIB; RFC 3315 DHCPv6 (client only); RFC 3513 IPv6 Addressing Architecture; RFC 3596 DNS Extension for IPv6; RFC 3810 MLDv2 (host joins only); RFC 4022 MIB for TCP; RFC 4113 MIB for UDP; RFC 4251 SSHv6 Architecture; RFC 4252 SSHv6 Authentication; RFC 4253 SSHv6 Transport Layer; RFC 4254 SSHv6 Connection; RFC 4293 MIB for IP; RFC 4419 Key Exchange for SSH; RFC 4443 ICMPv6; RFC 4541 IGMP & MLD Snooping Switch; RFC 4861 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery; RFC 4862 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-configuration; RFC 1213 MIB II; RFC 1493 Bridge MIB; RFC 1724 RIPv2 MIB; RFC 1850 OSPFv2 MIB; RFC 2021 RMONv2 MIB; RFC 2096 IP Forwarding Table MIB; RFC 2613 SMON MIB; RFC 2618 RADIUS Client MIB; RFC 2620 RADIUS Accounting MIB; RFC 2665 Ethernet-Like-MIB; RFC 2668 802.3 MAU MIB; RFC 2674 802.1p and IEEE 802.1Q Bridge MIB; RFC 2737 Entity MIB (Version 2); RFC 2787 VRRP MIB; RFC 2863 The Interfaces Group MIB; RFC 2925 Ping MIB; RFC 2328 OSPFv2 (Premium License); RFC 3101 OSPF NSSA; RFC 2474 DiffServ Precedence, including 8 queues/port; RFC 2597 DiffServ Assured Forwarding (AF); RFC 2598 DiffServ Expedited Forwarding (EF); IEEE 802.1X Port Based Network Access Control; RFC 1492 TACACS+; RFC 2865 RADIUS (client only); RFC 2866 RADIUS Accounting. Waga i rozmiary Waga produktu 7580 g Waga produktu 16.7 lb. lbs Zarządzanie energią Pobór mocy 159.7 W Szczegóły Techniczne Wieżowy Tak Procesor wbudowany PowerPC 8540 Prędkość procesora 666 MHz Protokoły Fibre Channel RFC 1591 DNS (client); HTML and telnet management\nRFC 1213 MIB II; RFC 1493 Bridge MIB; RFC 1724 RIPv2 MIB; RFC 1850 OSPFv2 MIB; RFC 2021 RMONv2 MIB; RFC 2096 IP Forwarding Table MIB; RFC 2613 SMON MIB; RFC 2618 RADIUS Client MIB; RFC 2620 RADIUS Accounting MIB; RFC 2665 Ethernet-Like-MIB; RFC 2668 802.3 MAU MIB; RFC 2674 802.1p and IEEE 802.1Q Bridge MIB; RFC 2737 Entity MIB (Version 2); RFC 2787 VRRP MIB; RFC 2863 The Interfaces Group MIB; RFC 2925 Ping MIB\nMIBs\nIP multicast\nIEEE 802.1ad Q-in-Q (Premium License); IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridges; IEEE 802.1p Priority; IEEE 802.1Q VLANs; IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees; IEEE 802.1v VLAN classification by Protocol and Port; IEEE 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree; IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP); IEEE 802.3x Flow Control; RFC 768 UDP; RFC 783 TFTP Protocol (revision 2); RFC 792 ICMP; RFC 793 TCP; UDLD (Uni-directional Link Detection); RFC 826 ARP; RFC 854 TELNET; RFC 868 Time Protocol; RFC 951 BOOTP; RFC 1058 RIPv1; RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol (revision 2); RFC 1519 CIDR; RFC 1542 BOOTP Extensions; RFC 2030 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) v4; RFC 2131 DHCP; RFC 2453 RIPv2; RFC 2548 (MS-RAS-Vendor only); RFC 3046 DHCP Relay Agent Information Option; RFC 3576 Ext to RADIUS (CoA only); RFC 3768 VRRP (Premium License); RFC 4675 RADIUS VLAN & Priority\nRFC 1981 IPv6 Path MTU Discovery; RFC 2460 IPv6 Specification; RFC 2461 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery; RFC 2462 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-configuration; RFC 2463 ICMPv6; RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for IPv6; RFC 2925 Remote Operations MIB (Ping only); RFC 3019 MLDv1 MIB; RFC 3315 DHCPv6 (client only); RFC 3513 IPv6 Addressing Architecture; RFC 3596 DNS Extension for IPv6; RFC 3810 MLDv2 (host joins only); RFC 4022 MIB for TCP; RFC 4113 MIB for UDP; RFC 4251 SSHv6 Architecture; RFC 4252 SSHv6 Authentication; RFC 4253 SSHv6 Transport Layer; RFC 4254 SSHv6 Connection; RFC 4293 MIB for IP; RFC 4419 Key Exchange for SSH; RFC 4541 IGMP & MLD Snooping Switch\nIEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP); RFC 2819 Four groups of RMON: 1 (statistics), 2 (history), 3 (alarm) and 9 (events); RFC 3176 sFlow; ANSI/TIA-1057 LLDP Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED); SNMPv1/v2c/v3; XRMON\nNetwork management\nGeneral protocols\nSecurity\nIEEE 802.1X Port Based Network Access Control; RFC 1492 TACACS+; RFC 2865 RADIUS (client only); RFC 2866 RADIUS Accounting; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); SSHv2 Secure Shell\nIPv6\nDevice management\nOSPF\nRFC 2474 DiffServ Precedence, including 8 queues/port; RFC 2597 DiffServ Assured Forwarding (AF); RFC 2598 DiffServ Expedited Forwarding (EF)\nRFC 2328 OSPFv2 (Premium License); RFC 3101 OSPF NSSA\nRFC 3376 IGMPv3 (host joins only); RFC 3973 Draft 2 PIM Dense Mode (Premium License); RFC 4601 Draft 10 PIM Sparse Mode (Premium License) Odporny na promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne EN 55024, CISPR 24; IEC 61000-4-2; IEC 61000-4-3; IEC 61000-4-4; IEC 61000-4-5; IEC 61000-4-6; IEC 61000-4-8; IEC 61000-4-11; EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-3 Wzmocnienie elektryczne The switch automatically adjusts to any voltage between 100-120 and 200-240 volts and either 50 or 60 Hz Zaświadczenia Bezpieczeństwo CSA 22.2 No. 60950; EN 60950/IEC 60950; UL 60950 Standardy EMC FCC Class A; VCCI Class A; EN 55022/CISPR 22 Class A Warunki zewnętrzne Zakres temperatur (eksploatacja) 5 - 40 °C Zakres temperatur (przechowywanie) -40 - 70 °C Pamięć Pojemność pamięci wewnętrznej 256 MB Wielkość pamięci flash 256 MB Warunki zewnętrzne Maksymalna temperatura termometru zwilżonego (wet bulb temp.) Podczas eksploatacji (w °f) 41 - 104 °F Zasilanie przez Ethernet Obsługa PoE Nie Pozostałe właściwości Funkcje zarządzania HP PCM+; HP PCM (included); command-line interface; Web browser; configuration menu Opóźnienie 1000 Mb Latency: < 3.4 µs (FIFO 64-byte packets) Wymiary produktu (SxGxW) 546.1 x 442.5 x 43.2 mm Technologia łączności Wired Pamięć i procesor : Freescale PowerPC 8540 @ 666 MHz, 4 MB flash, packet buffer size: 18 MB QDR SDRAM total (for all 1-GbE ports), 256 MB compact flash, 256 MB DDR SDRAM Zasilanie 100 -120 VAC / 200 -240 VAC; 50 /60 Hz\nThe switch automatically adjusts to any voltage between 100-120 and 200-240 volts and either 50 or 60 Hz Typ zasilacza 1 x J9269A Typ montażu Telco rack: Mounts in an EIA-standard 19-in. 2-post telco rack or equipment cabinet; horizontal surface mounting only. Rack kit: Rack rails are required for mounting in HP 10000 Series 4-post racks. Zdalna administracja command-line interface; Web browser; configuration menu; out-of-band management (serial RS-232C) Częstotliwość danych wejściowych 50 / 60 Hz Napięcie 100-120 / 200-240 VAC V Seria przełączników HP ProCurve 6600 obejmuje najbardziej zaawansowane przełączniki brzegowe do serwerów pracujących w centrach przetwarzania danych z oferty produktów sieciowych HP ProCurve. Seria 6600 obejmuje modele wieżowe o wysokości 1U 10/100/1000Base-T oraz 10-GbE SFP+ dodatkowo wyposażone w funkcję łączności z serwerami brzegowymi oraz system chłodzenia od przodu do tyłu, nadmiarowe, wymieniane podczas pracy zasilacze, a także nadmiarowe, wymieniane podczas pracy wentylatory. Podstawę tych wszystkich przełączników stanowi specjalnie zaprojektowany programowalny układ ASIC ProVision, który umożliwia wdrożenie najbardziej wymagających funkcji sieciowych, takich jak gwarantowana jakość usług (QoS) i zabezpieczenia, w sposób skalowalny, a zarazem precyzyjny. Dzięki dużej liczbie interfejsów połączeń oraz rozszerzonej funkcji buforowania przełączniki z serii 6600 oferują doskonałą ochronę inwestycji, elastyczność i skalowalność, a także umożliwiają łatwe wdrażanie i zapewniają oszczędności na kosztach operacyjnych.
• Architektura o wysokiej wydajności: oparta na specjalnie zaprojektowanych układach ProVision ASIC w celu zapewnienia wysokiej wydajności systemu i skalowalności.
Odporność na awarie i wysoka dostępność
• Trunking LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol, IEEE 802.3ad) i ProCurve: 12345 obsługuje maks. 60 łączy agregowanych, każde po maks. 8 portów; obsługa agregacji portów rozproszonych pomiędzy różnymi modułami.
Opcje podłączania
• IPv6: host IPv6: przełączniki mogą być zarządzane i wdrażane na obrzeżach sieci IPv6: Tryb dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6); zapewnia mechanizm przejścia ze standardu IPv4 na IPv6; obsługuje połączenia z użyciem obu protokołów: MLD snooping; przekazuje ruch multicastingu IPv6 do odpowiedniego interfejsu; zapobiega zalewowi sieci przez ruch multicastingu IPv6: ACL/QoS dla protokołu IPv6: obsługuje ACL i QoS w ruchu sieciowym IPv6;
Przełączanie w warstwie 2
• ProCurve switch meshing: dynamicznie wyrównuje obciążenie między wieloma aktywnymi łączami nadmiarowymi, aby zwiększyć dostępną przepustowość.
Ruting warstwy 3
• RIP: zapewnia rutowanie RIPv1 i RIPv2.
Jakość usług (Quality of Service)
• Obsługa priorytetów w warstwie 4: umożliwia obsługę priorytetów na podstawie numerów portów TCP/UDP.
• Filtrowanie portów źródłowych: pozwala na komunikowanie się ze sobą tylko określonych portów.Uprzejmie informujemy, że mimo wszelkich starań specyfikacja może być nieaktualna, a zamieszczona zdjęcia nie zawsze odpowiadają rzeczywistemu wyglądowi produktu.
- serwery
- rack
- ProLiant DL20 Gen9
- ProLiant DL60 Gen9
- ProLiant DL80 Gen9
- ProLiant DL120 G5
- ProLiant DL120 G6
- ProLiant DL120 G7
- ProLiant DL120 Gen9
- ProLiant DL160 G5
- ProLiant DL160 G5p
- ProLiant DL160 G6
- ProLiant DL160se G6
- ProLiant DL160 Gen8
- ProLiant DL160 Gen9
- ProLiant DL165 G5
- ProLiant DL165 G5p
- ProLiant DL165 G6
- ProLiant DL165 G7
- ProLiant DL170e G6
- ProLiant DL170h G6
- ProLiant DL180 G5
- ProLiant DL180 G6
- ProLiant DL180 Gen9
- ProLiant DL185 G5
- ProLiant DL185 G5 Storage Server
- ProLiant DL320s
- ProLiant DL320s Storage Server
- ProLiant DL320 G5p
- ProLiant DL320 G6
- ProLiant DL320e Gen8
- ProLiant DL320e Gen 8 v2
- ProLiant DL360 G4p
- ProLiant DL360 G5
- ProLiant DL360 G6
- ProLiant DL360 G7
- ProLiant DL360p Gen8
- ProLiant DL360e Gen8
- ProLiant DL360 Gen9
- ProLiant DL365 G1
- ProLiant DL365 G5
- ProLiant DL370 G6
- ProLiant DL380 G4
- ProLiant DL380 G5
- ProLiant DL380 G6
- ProLiant DL380 G7
- ProLiant DL380p Gen8
- ProLiant DL380e Gen8
- ProLiant DL380 Gen9
- ProLiant DL385 G2
- ProLiant DL385 G5
- ProLiant DL385 G5p
- ProLiant DL385 G6
- ProLiant DL385 G7
- ProLiant DL385p Gen8
- ProLiant DL560 Gen8
- ProLiant DL560 Gen9
- ProLiant DL580 G5
- ProLiant DL580 G7
- ProLiant DL580 Gen8
- ProLiant DL580 Gen9
- ProLiant DL585 G2
- ProLiant DL585 G2 Storage Server
- ProLiant DL585 G5
- ProLiant DL585 G6
- ProLiant DL585 G7
- ProLiant DL785 G5
- ProLiant DL785 G6
- ProLiant DL980 G7
- ProLiant s6500
- ProLiant SL160s G6
- ProLiant SL160z G6
- ProLiant SL165z G6
- ProLiant SL165s G7
- ProLiant SL165z G7
- ProLiant SL170s G6
- ProLiant SL210T Gen8
- ProLiant SL230s Gen8
- ProLiant SL250s Gen8
- ProLiant SL270s Gen8
- ProLiant SL335s G7
- ProLiant SL390s G7
- ProLiant SL4540 Gen8
- ProLiant SL4545 G7
- ProLiant e2000 G6 Chassis
- tower
- ProLiant ML10
- ProLiant ML10 v2
- ProLiant ML10 Gen9
- ProLiant ML30 Gen9
- ProLiant ML110 G5
- ProLiant ML110 G6
- ProLiant ML110 G7
- ProLiant ML110 Gen9
- ProLiant ML115 G5
- ProLiant ML150 G5
- ProLiant ML150 G6
- ProLiant ML150 Gen9
- ProLiant ML310 G5
- ProLiant ML310 G5p
- ProLiant ML310e Gen8
- ProLiant ML310e Gen8 v2
- ProLiant ML330 G6
- ProLiant ML350 G5
- ProLiant ML350 G5 Storage Server
- ProLiant ML350 G6
- Proliant ML350e Gen8
- ProLiant ML350e Gen8 v2
- Proliant ML350p Gen8
- ProLiant ML350 Gen9
- ProLiant ML370 G5
- ProLiant ML370 G6
- ProLiant N40L G7
- ProLiant G1610T Gen 8
- ProLiant G2020T Gen 8
- ProLiant N54L G7
- ProLiant EC200a Managed Hybrid Server
- blade
- ProLiant BL10e
- ProLiant BL10e G2
- ProLiant BL2x220c G5
- ProLiant BL2x220c G6
- ProLiant BL2x220c G7
- ProLiant BL260c G5
- ProLiant BL280c G6
- ProLiant BL420c Gen8
- ProLiant BL460c
- ProLiant BL460c G5
- ProLiant BL460c G6
- ProLiant BL460c G7
- ProLiant BL460c Gen8
- ProLiant BL460c Gen9
- ProLiant BL465c G5
- ProLiant BL465c G6
- ProLiant BL465c G7
- ProLiant BL465c Gen8
- ProLiant BL490c G6
- ProLiant BL490c G7
- ProLiant BL495c G5
- ProLiant BL495c G6
- ProLiant BL620c G7
- ProLiant BL660c Gen8
- ProLiant BL660c Gen9
- ProLiant BL680c G5
- ProLiant BL680c G7
- ProLiant BL685c G6
- ProLiant BL685c G7
- ProLiant BL685c G5
- ProLiant WS460c Gen8 Graphics
- ProLiant WS460c Gen9 Graphics
- Superdome X BL920s Gen8
- Superdome X BL920s Gen9
- BL460c Gen10
- klatki blade
- integrity
- moonshot
- ProLiant m300 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m350 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m400 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m510 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m700 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m710 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m710p Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m710x Server Cartridge
- ProLiant m800 Server Cartridge
- ProLiant Moonshot server
- Moonshot 1500 chassis
- Converged
- ConvergedSystem 700x
- Hyper Converged 380
- Hyper Converged 250 for VMware
- Hyper Converged 250 for Microsoft Cloud Platform
- ConvergedSystem 200-HC StoreVirtual
- ConvergedSystem 200-HC EVO RAIL
- ConvergedSystem 500 for SAP HANA Scale-out Configurations
- ConvergedSystem 500 for SAP HANA Scale-up Configurations
- ConvergedSystem 900 for SAP HANA Scale-up Configurations
- ProLiant DL120 G7
- ProLiant DL160 G6
- ProLiant DL165 G6
- ProLiant DL180 G6
- ProLiant DL320 G6
- ProLiant DL360 G7
- ProLiant DL360 G5
- ProLiant DL370 G6
- ProLiant DL380 G7
- HP ProLiant DL385 G7
- ProLiant DL580 G7
- ProLiant DL785
- HP ProLiant BL2x220c G7
- HP ProLiant BL460c G6
- ProLiant BL620c G7
- ProLiant BL680c G7
- ProLiant ML350 G5
- ProLiant ML350 G6
- ProLiant ML370 G5
- rack
- storage
- Macierze dyskowe
- MSA HP P4000
- MSA Akcesoria
- MSA Software
- EVA 4400
- EVA 6300
- EVA 6400
- EVA 6500
- EVA 8400
- EVA Akcesoria
- EVA Dyski
- EVA P6000 Software
- 3Par Akcesoria
- 3Par
- P9000
- P9000 Akcesoria
- P9000 Software
- XP 20000
- XP 20000 Akcesoria
- 3Par F-Class Array Software
- 3Par T-Class Array Software
- 3Par V-Class Array Software
- XP7
- XP7 Akcesoria
- XP7 Software
- MSA2050
- MSA2052
- MSA1050
- Napędy taśmowe
- Biblioteki taśmowe (MSL)
- D2D
- Virtual Library Systems (VLS)
- Extreme Data Storage
- Systemy pamięci NAS
- All-in-One Storage
- Nośniki danych
- Storage Mirroring - Windows
- Storage Network
- Urządzenia sieciowe - ProCurve
- Storage Serwis
- Fixed Care Pack - Stor CA - Tape Mech
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - EVA
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - High
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Tape Lib
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Tape Mech
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - SW - High
- Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Tape Autoload
- Fixed Care Pack Strg-HW-Director&Switch
- Fixed Care Pack-Storage-HW-Install-Entrp
- Fixed Care Pack-Storage-SW-Install-Entrp
- Flex Care Pack Storage - HW - ESL
- Flex Care Pack Storage - HW - XP Disk
- Flex Care Pack Storage - SW - High
- Flex Care Pack Storage - SW - High MC
- Flex Care Pack Storage - SW - XP
- Flex Care Pack Strg-HW-Director&Switch
- Flex Care Pack-Storage-HW-Install-Entrp
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - EVA
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - High
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - JBODs
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Tape Mech
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Tape Autoload
- PW Fixed Care Pack Strg-HW-Director&Switch
- StoreOnce
- StoreEasy
- StoreAll
- StoreServ
- Modular Smart Array
- Disk Enclosure
- półki dyskowe
- StoreVirtual
- Synergy
- XP Storage
- StoreEver
- Backup
- Macierze dyskowe
- sieć
- switche
- 3500 & 3500 yl
- 5120 EI
- 5500 HI
- 6120XG Ethernet Blade
- 8200 zl
- Altoline 6900
- Altoline 6920
- Altoline 6940
- Altoline 6960
- Aruba 2530
- Aruba 2615
- Aruba 2620
- Aruba 2915
- Aruba 2920
- Aruba 2930F
- Aruba 3800
- Aruba 3810
- Aruba 5400 zl
- Aruba 5400R zl2
- FlexFabric 5700
- FlexFabric 5800
- FlexFabric 5820
- FlexFabric 5830
- FlexFabric 5900
- FlexFabric 5900CP
- FlexFabric 5920
- FlexFabric 5930
- FlexFabric 5950
- FlexFabric 7900
- FlexFabric 11900
- FlexFabric 12500
- FlexFabric 12900
- FlexNetwork 3100 EI
- FlexNetwork 3100 SI
- FlexNetwork 3600 EI
- FlexNetwork 3600 SI
- FlexNetwork 5120 SI
- FlexNetwork 5130 EI
- FlexNetwork 5130 HI
- FlexNetwork 5500 EI
- FlexNetwork 5510 HI
- FlexNetwork NJ5000
- FlexNetwork 7500
- FlexNetwork 10500
- OfficeConnect 1405
- OfficeConnect 1410
- OfficeConnect 1420
- OfficeConnect 1620
- OfficeConnect 1810
- OfficeConnect 1820
- OfficeConnect 1910
- OfficeConnect 1920
- OfficeConnect 1950
- PS1810
- 6125G Ethernet Blade
- SX1018HP Ethernet Switch
- 6125XLG Ethernet Blade
- 6125G/XG Ethernet Blade
- 6127XLG Blade
- Fabric Extender for HP BladeSystem
- switche storage
- 1606 Extension SAN Switch
- 6Gb SAS Switch for HP BladeSystem c-Class
- 8/20q Fibre Channel Switch
- 8/24 SAN Switch
- 8/8 SAN Switch
- Brocade 16Gb SAN Switch for HPE BladeSystem c-Class
- Brocade 8Gb SAN Switch for HPE BladeSystem c-Class
- Brocade VDX Switches
- Cisco MDS 8Gb Fabric Switch for HP BladeSystem c-Class
- Complete Brocade Analytics Monitoring Platform
- Complete VirtualWisdom Solution
- SN3000B Fibre Channel Switch
- SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch
- SN6000B Fibre Channel Switch
- SN8000C Director Switch
- StoreFabric SAN Director Switch
- StoreFabric SN4000B SAN Extension Switch
- StoreFabric SN6010C Fibre Channel Switch
- StoreFabric SN6500B Fibre Channel Switch
- StoreFabric SN6500C Multi-service Switch
- StoreFabric SN8500C Director Switch
- switche BladeSystem
- Virtual Connect FlexFabric-20/40 F8 Module for c-Class
- Virtual Connect FlexFabric 10Gb/24-port Module for c-Class
- Virtual Connect Flex-10/10D Ethernet Module for c-Class
- Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Synergy
- Virtual Connect 16Gb 24-port Fibre Channel Module for c-Class
- Virtual Connect 8Gb 24-port Fibre Channel Module for c-Class
- Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-port Fibre Channel Module for c-Class
- Virtual Connect SE 16Gb Fibre Channel Module for Synergy
- routery
- switche Arista
- software
- Access Point
- switche
- opcje
- procesory dedykowane do serwerów
- ProLiant 100 Series - AMD Processors G7
- ProLiant 100 Series - Intel Processors G6
- ProLiant 100 Series - Intel Processors G8
- ProLiant Blades - AMD Processors G7
- ProLiant Blades - AMD Processors G6
- ProLiant Blades - AMD Processors G5
- ProLiant Blades - Intel Processors G7
- ProLiant Blades - Intel Processors G6
- ProLiant Blades - Intel Processors G5
- ProLiant Servers - AMD Processors
- ProLiant Servers - AMD Processors G7
- ProLiant Servers - Intel Processors G7
- ProLiant Servers - Intel Processors G6
- ProLiant Servers - Intel Processors G8
- ProLiant Servers - Intel Processors G5/G4
- ProLiant DL785 Processors
- ProLiant DL980 Processors
- ProLiant Blades - Intel Processors G8
- ProLiant Blades - AMD Processors G8
- ProLiant Servers - Intel Processors G8 v2
- ProLiant Blades - Intel Processors Gen9
- ProLiant Servers - Intel Processors Gen9
- ProLiant Servers - AMD Processors G8
- Integrity - Itanium
- dyski
- pamięci
- karty sieciowe
- kontrolery
- Zasilacze, UPSy
- Szafy RACK i akcesoria
- kable
- Napędy optyczne
- BladeSystem
- karty graficzne
- inne
- różne
- ramki, sanki, kieszenie do dysków
- szyny
- riser
- radiatory do procesorów, vrm, CPU kit
- wentylatory
- baterie do kontrolerów
- transceivery
- Third Party
- płyty główne
- moduły do routerów i switchy
- Storage Media
- klatki / backplane
- procesory dedykowane do serwerów
- urządzenia FC
- serwis
- Customer Service
- Networking Support and Services
- Printer Support and Services
- Fixed Care Pack Print-Personal Laser Ret
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - Bus Laser-Mono
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - Designjet
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - Designjet - Color
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - Designjet - MFP
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - Digital Sender
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - HW Install
- Fixed Care Pack Printer - Officejet Pro
- Fixed Care Pack Printer -Bus Laser-Color
- Fixed Care Pack Printer -Mono Laser-High
- Fixed Care Pack Printer -Scanjet
- Fixed Care Pack Printer -Wide Format-Mid
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Bus InkJet-Entry
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Mono Laser-Entry
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Mono/MFP-High
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Person AiO Laser
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Person Mono Lasr
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Wide Form-Entry
- Fixed Care Pack Printer-Wide Format-High
- Fixed Care Pack Printers - LaserJet TROY
- PW Fixed Care Pack Print-Edgeline High End
- PW Fixed Care Pack Print-Personal Laser Ret
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer - Bus Laser-Mono
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer - Designjet
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer - Designjet - Color
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer - Designjet - MFP
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer - Digital Sender
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer - Officejet Pro
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer -Bus Laser-Color
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer -Mono Laser-High
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer -Wide Format-Mid K2
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Bus InkJet-Entry R4
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Mono Laser-Entry
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Mono/MFP-High
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Person AiO Laser
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Person Mono Lasr
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Wide Form-Entry
- PW Fixed Care Pack Printer-Wide Format-High
- Server Support and Services
- Fixed Care Pack - ProLiant HW-Install
- Fixed Care Pack - ProLiant SW-Install
- Fixed Care Pack - Proliant - CA
- Fixed Care Pack - Proliant Blade - CA
- Fixed Care Pack - SW - Suse Linux IA32
- Fixed Care Pack - SW-Redhat Linux- IA32
- Fixed Care Pack -ProLiant HW-Install MSA
- Fixed Care Pack BCS - HW - x86
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW - MSA
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW - SCI
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW Support
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW-100 Series
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - SW - Op Sys
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - SW - VMWare
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - SW-Essentials
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - SW-Essentials K3
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade-HW-cClass
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade-HW-pClass
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 300
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 500
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 700
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-Monitor&Accy
- Fixed Care Pack-ProLiant Blade-HW-Instal
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW - Legacy
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW - MSA
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW-100 Series
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade-HW-cClass
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade-HW-pClass
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 300
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 500
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 700 pl06
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-ML/DL 700 pl72
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-MicroSvr
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant-HW-Monitor&Accy
- Fixed Care Pack - ProLiant - Infiniband
- Fixed Care Pack - ProLiant - Options
- Fixed Care Pack - ProLiant - WS Gen8 Family
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW Support
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - HW Support
- Fixed Care Pack - ProLiant - SL45XX
- Fixed Care Pack - FC - ProLiant Infiniband
- Fixed Care Pack - FC -ProLiant SL45XX
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - FC - HW Support
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - FC - Options
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - FC - Virtual Connect
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - FC - WS Gen8 Family
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade - FC - Enclosures
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade - FC - Switch
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade- FC -cClass
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade-HW-Enclosures
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade-HW-SL45xx
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Infiniband- FC -Monitor&Accy
- Fixed Care Pack ProLiant- FC - MicroSvr
- PW Fixed Care Pack - FC - ProLiant Infiniband
- PW Fixed Care Pack - FC -ProLiant SL6XXX
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant - FC - HW Support
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade - FC - Enclosures
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant Blade- FC -cClass
- PW Fixed Care Pack ProLiant- FC - MicroSvr
- Storage Support & Services-Enterprise
- Fixed Care Pack - Stor CA - EVA
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - EVA
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - High
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Tape Lib
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Tape Mech
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - SW - High
- Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Tape Autoload
- Fixed Care Pack Strg-HW-Director&Switch
- Fixed Care Pack-Storage-HW-Install-Entrp
- Fixed Care Pack-Storage-SW-Install-Entrp
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - EVA
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - High
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - JBODs
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Tape Mech
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Tape Autoload
- PW Fixed Care Pack Strg-HW-Director&Switch
- Storage Support and Services
- Fixed Care Pack - Stor CA - Hubs/Switch/Routers/HBA
- Fixed Care Pack - Stor CA - Low
- Fixed Care Pack - Stor CA - MSA
- Fixed Care Pack - Storage-HW-Install
- Fixed Care Pack - Storage-SW-Install
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Install
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Left Hand
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Low NAS
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - MSA
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - MSL
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Misc
- Fixed Care Pack Storage - SW - Low
- Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Legacy Array
- Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Switch/Router
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Install
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Left Hand
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - Low NAS
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - MSA
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage - HW - MSL
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Legacy Array
- PW Fixed Care Pack Storage-HW-Switch/Router
- Technical Services
- licencje
- Data Center Automation Center
- Agent Add-On - SAV
- Cloud Service Auto for BladeMatrix
- Core - Standard
- Enterprise Edition
- Integration
- Multimaster
- NA Core - Horizontal Scalability
- NA Core - Multimaster
- NA Core - Standard
- NA Satellite
- OO Core - Standard
- SA Satellite
- Starter Edition App Deployment Mgr
- Starter Edition Compliance Mgmt
- Starter Edition Patching & Provisioning
- User-724
- Rapid Deployment
- Data Management
- Analytics Center
- Application Security Center
- Business Availability Center
- Application Management 360
- BAC - 1 Year Term Product
- BAC Problem Isolation
- BAC SLM Upgrades
- Diagnostic for Composite Application AM
- Diagnostics Siebel AM
- EUM with BPM
- EUM with BPM Advanced
- EUM with BPM Txn Single Loc
- EUM with RUM
- EUM with RUM Advanced
- EUM with RUM for TCP/IP
- SAM Upgrades
- SiteScope Enterprise Application Monitor
- SiteScope Monitors
- SiteScope Solution Templates
- System Availability Management (SAM)
- Transaction Vision Sensor
- Serviceguard
- Client Automation Center
- Document & Records Mgmt
- Educational Services
- (TSG) IT Management Software
- Change & Config. Center Suites / Bundles
- HP BAC Suites/Bundles Series
- HP BAC Term Products - 1 year
- HP BAC Term Products - MSS
- HP Change Control Software Series
- HP Diagnostics (AD) Software Series
- HP Functional Testing Software Series
- HP LoadRunner Software Series-Qualified
- HP PPM Software Series
- HP Performance Center Software Series
- HP SOA Software Series
- HP Service Test Software Series
- HP SiteScope Software Series
- HP Test Director for QC Software Series
- QC Center Management
- (TSG) Information Managment
- Network Management Center
- Automated Network Management Suite
- Dev Kit - NNM i v8
- Integration Enablement
- Media Manual - NNM i v8
- Media Manual - Performance Insight
- Media Manual - RAMS
- NNM i Advanced
- NNM i Bundles
- NNM i ver8
- NNM iSPI Network Services
- NNM iSPI Performance
- Performance Insight Software
- RP HP Software
- RP Network
- SNMP Extensible Agent
- Traffic
- Upgrades - NNM i v8
- OpenView Software
- Network Node Manager
- Network Node Manager - Misc
- OpenView Communications
- OpenView Connect-it Solutions
- OpenView Custom Support Products
- OpenView Glance
- OpenView Job Center
- OpenView Operations
- OpenView Performance
- OpenView SPIs
- OpenView Service Center
- OpenView Web App Mgmt
- Openview Compliance Solutions
- Performance Insight
- Operations Management Center
- Agents Operations Manager
- App Inst Instrumentation - DB Apps
- App Inst Instrumentation - ERP Apps
- App Inst Instrumentation - Web Apps
- App Inst Instrumentation - Windows Apps
- Dependency Mapping Automation
- GlancePlus
- GlancePlus Pak
- Infrastructure SPIs
- Manager Windows Performance
- Mgr Solaris Performance
- Mgr Unix Performance
- Mgr Windows Ops/Performance
- Mgr i-Series Operations
- New Mgr Unix Operations
- Non-Production Agents Operations Manager
- Non-Production Agents Ops/Performance
- Ops/Performance Combo Agent
- Other App SPIs
- Reporter
- Target Connectors
- Web App SPIs
- Windows App SPIs
- Performance Center
- Diagnostic 1 Month Term Product
- Diagnostic 3 Month Term Product
- Diagnostic for Composite Application AD
- Global PC Virtual Users - GUI
- HP Center Management Software for PC
- LR - 1 Month Term Vuser
- LR - 3 Month Term Vuser
- LR GUI Virtual Users
- LR Virtual User Days
- LR Virtual Users - .Net record/replay
- LR Virtual Users - COM/DCOM
- LR Virtual Users - Database
- LR Virtual Users - Java
- LR Virtual Users - Network
- LR Virtual Users - Oracle E-Business
- LR Virtual Users - RIA
- LR Virtual Users - Remote Access
- LR Virtual Users - Remote Desktop
- LR Virtual Users - SAP
- LR Virtual Users - SDK
- LR Virtual Users - SOA
- LR Virtual Users - Templates
- LR Virtual Users - Web & Multimedia
- LR Virtual Users - Web 2.0
- LR Virtual Users - Wireless
- LoadRunner Controller & Monitors
- PC Controllers
- PC Global Term for SaaS 1D-Elastic Test
- PC Term for SaaS - 1 month
- PC Term for SaaS - 3 month
- PC Virtual Users - .Net record/replay
- PC Virtual Users - All Protocals
- PC Virtual Users - COM/DCOM
- PC Virtual Users - Database
- PC Virtual Users - GUI
- PC Virtual Users - Java
- PC Virtual Users - Network
- PC Virtual Users - Oracle E-Business
- PC Virtual Users - RIA
- PC Virtual Users - Remote Access
- PC Virtual Users - Remote Desktop
- PC Virtual Users - SAP
- PC Virtual Users - SDK
- PC Virtual Users - SOA
- PC Virtual Users - Templates
- PC Virtual Users - Web & Multimedia
- PC Virtual Users - Web 2.0
- PC Virtual Users - Wireless
- Project & Portfolio Management Center
- Center Management for QC
- PPM Admin and Config License
- PPM Bundles
- PPM Demand Management Casual User
- PPM Demand Management Power User
- PPM Deployment Management
- PPM Deployment Management Oracle Ext
- PPM Deployment Management SAP Extension
- PPM Documentum Connector
- PPM Foundation
- PPM Mobility Access
- PPM Portfolio Management
- PPM Portfolio Optimization
- PPM Program Management
- PPM Project Management
- PPM Time Management
- Quality Center
- ALM Business Process Testing
- ALM Business Process Testing GEO Upgrade
- ALM GEO Upgrades
- ALM Service Test Management
- ALM Service Test Management GEO Upgrades
- BPT GEO Upgrades
- CM4QC Accelerator
- CM4QC Entry Package
- Functional Testing
- Global ALM
- Global ALM Bus Process Testing GEO Upgd
- Global ALM Business Process Testing
- Global ALM GEO Upgrades
- Global ALM Service Test Management
- Global ALM Service Test Mgmt GEO Upgrade
- Global BPT
- Global BPT GEO Upgrades
- Global QC Enterprise
- Global QC Enterprise BPT
- Global QC Enterprise BPT GEO Upgrade
- Global QC Enterprise Geo Upgrades
- Global QC Enterprise STM
- Global QC Enterprise STM GEO Upgrades
- Global Requirements Management
- Global STM GEO Upgrades
- Global Unified FT Upgrade
- QC Enterprise
- QC Enterprise BPT
- QC Enterprise BPT GEO Upgrades
- QC Enterprise Geo Upgrades
- QC Enterprise STM
- QC Enterprise STM GEO Upgrades
- QC Enterprise Starter
- QC Global Term for SaaS - 1 month
- QC Global Term for SaaS - 3 month
- QC Legacy Upgrades
- QC Term for SaaS - 1 month
- QC Term for SaaS - 3 month
- Quality Management for SAP
- Requirements Management
- STM GEO Upgrades
- Service Test
- Service Test Management
- Unified Functional Testing
- Unified Functional Testing Upgrade
- SOA Center
- Service Management Center
- AM Server
- Asset Contracts
- Asset Tracking
- Catalog
- Change Management
- Connect-It
- Contract Lifecycle
- DDMI - 3 Month Term
- DDMI Inventory
- DDMI Software Utilization
- Foundation
- HP SM Starter Suite
- Help Desk
- IT Financial Tracking
- Knowledge Management
- Problem Management
- Procurement Lifecycle
- Request Management
- SC Automate
- SM Asset Contracts
- SM Catalog
- SM Knowledge Management
- SM Service Level Management
- SMC Suites
- Scheduled Maintenance
- Server
- Service Support Foundation
- Service level Management
- Storage Management
- Windows Reseller Kit
- Storage - Commercial
- Server Operating Systems & Software
- HP Converged Infrastructure Management Software
- 3rd Party Software x86
- Data Center Automation Center
- części serwisowe
- serwery
- Dodaj do ZAPYTANIA
Dostępne warianty:Dostępność
Strefa pomocy
Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31
Napisz: hp@112it.pl
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