T2533AA OpenView Stg Area Mgr v3.2 media includes CD-ROMs
Produkt został dodany do zapytania Produkt został dodany do zapytania.
  • T2533AA

    OpenView Stg Area Mgr v3.2 media includes CD-ROMs with software, install, admin and upgrade guide.

    P/N: T2533AA
    EAN: 0829160471242
    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    Ocena produktu:  


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    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31

    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Informacje dodatkowe

    Wymagania systemoweMinimalne wymagania systemoweMicrosoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, or Advanced Server: Intel processor - 1 GHz (minimum) or up to 2.4 GHz, dual-processor (recommended); Memory - 1 GB (minimum), 2 GB (recommended); Disk space - 700 MB; Video resolution - 800x600. Microsoft Windows 2003 Web Server, Standard Server, or Enterprise Server: Intel processor - 1 GHz (minimum) or up to 2.4 GHz, dual-processor (recommended); Memory - 1 GB (minimum), 2 GB (recommended); Disk space - 700 MB; Video resolution - 800 x 600. HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance II (option): Memory - additional 1 GB RAM required for installation (HP part number 201694-B21 includes two 512 MB DIMMs). HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance III (option)
    Szczegóły TechniczneSystem operacyjnyHosts: HP-UX 11.0, 11.11 (11iv), 11.23 (11iv2/11.23), 11.23PI; Sun Solaris 8.0, 9.0; Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1; Red Hat Linux Enterprise/Advanced Server 3.0; UNITED Linux 1.0 Enterprise/SuSE Linux SLES 8.0; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, and Data Center (SP4); Microsoft Windows 2003 (32-bit) Web Server, Standard Server, Enterprise Server; Microsoft Windows 2003 (64-bit) Enterprise Server, and Data Center; IBM AIX 5.1, 5.2; Tru64 UNIX V5.1a, 5.1b; Management Server: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server (SP4); Microsoft Windows 2003 (32-bit) WebServer, Standard Server, Enterprise Server; HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance II or III with HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance software v2.1 installed; Management Console: HP-UX 11.0, 11.11; SUN Solaris 8.0; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server (SP4 & SP5); Microsoft Windows XP Professional; Microsoft Windows 2003 (32-bit) Web Server, Standard Server, Enterprise Server; Linux RedHat AS 2.1
    Wymiary produktu (SxGxW)254 x 82.5 x 381 mm
    WersjaV 3.2
    Obsługiwane przeglądarkiMicrosoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator
    Waga produktu900 g
    Obsługiwane aplikacjeOracle 8i (8.0, 8.1), 9i (9.0, 9.2) all 32- and 64-bit versions: \nHP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.23; Sun Solaris 8.0, 9.0; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, and Data Center (SP3); Microsoft Windows NT Workstation, Server, and Enterprise Server (all SP6a); Tru64 UNIX V5.1a, 5.1b. Microsoft Exchange 2000: Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition. Microsoft Exchange 2003: Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition
    Wymagania dotyczące systemów klienckichAdobe Acrobat Reader (to read product install and administration guides); Device Managers for each managed device (arrays, switches, tape libraries, etc.); Microsoft Internet Explorer - or - Netscape Navigator; Performance Metrics: Storage Optimizer relies on HBA SNIA libraries to gather performance information for hosts. OpenView Performance Agents (OVPA) or OpenView Operations (OVO}) provide additional metrics. SNIA libraries are available, at no cost, with all major operating systems. If both OVPA and OVO (both are purchased items) are to be present, OVPA most be installed first. Storage Optimizer may also leverage performance reporting tools for collecting device-specific performance data. For example, HP StorageWorks Performance Advisor XP is required for performance metrics from the HP XP array family.

    Uprzejmie informujemy, że mimo wszelkich starań specyfikacja może być nieaktualna, a zamieszczona zdjęcia nie zawsze odpowiadają rzeczywistemu wyglądowi produktu.


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