T4292AA Licencja HP Storage Essentials File System Viewer 1 TB
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  • T4292AA

    Licencja HP Storage Essentials File System Viewer 1 TB LTU

    P/N: T4292AA
    EAN: 0882780109131
    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31

    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Dobierz dodatkowo:

    Pomyśl o dobraniu opcji do sprzętu, który chcesz zakupić.

    Posiadamy portoflio opcji nie tylko do modeli aktualnych w ofercie producenta, ale także do starszych modeli, które nie są już produkowane.

    Informacje dodatkowe

    The award winning HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Enterprise Edition Software Suite simplifies enterprise heterogeneous (DAS, SAN, and NAS) management with powerful SRM provisioning, storage metering, customized reporting, business application and backup monitoring, with end to end to performance management. Storage Essentials SRM Software integrates with HP System Insight Manager to provide unified server and storage management; while integration with HP Service Desk software delivers integrated end-to-end IT services management. Include HP Data Protector and you have a powerful solution to monitor the overall status of the entire backup process as well as visualize backup configuration and recoverability. The architecture is built on industry standards, allowing for quick deployment, with the agility to easily manage, monitor and react to change, and investment protection so you can minimize the costs of adopting, and upgrading storage resources.

    Uprzejmie informujemy, że mimo wszelkich starań specyfikacja może być nieaktualna, a zamieszczona zdjęcia nie zawsze odpowiadają rzeczywistemu wyglądowi produktu.


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