TA789AAE licencja HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Recover
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  • TA789AAE

    licencja HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Recover Standard Edition E-LTU

    P/N: TA789AAE
    Producent: Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    Ocena produktu:  


    Cena i elastyczne finansowanie

    Strefa pomocy



    Zadzwoń: 71 738 25 31

    Napisz: hp@112it.pl

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    Dobierz dodatkowo:

    Pomyśl o dobraniu opcji do sprzętu, który chcesz zakupić.

    Posiadamy portoflio opcji nie tylko do modeli aktualnych w ofercie producenta, ale także do starszych modeli, które nie są już produkowane.

    Informacje dodatkowe

    HP Storage Mirroring Software provides host-based replication and failover for enterprise and midrange customers seeking a flexible, cost-effective protection strategy. Patented replication and failover technology continuously captures byte-level data changes as they occur in your production environment and replicates those changes to one or more servers in any location without geographic limitations. By replicating only the bytes that change, Storage Mirroring Software uses the absolute minimum bandwidth required to replicate customer data. This software does not need special hardware to run and utilizes existing LAN or WAN infrastructure that already exists in their environment –saving time, additional investment, and maintenance.

    Flexible Design with Simple Protection and Recovery

    • The key to business continuity is recovery. HP Storage Mirroring Software has been engineered to offer recovery of applications, servers, and storage with the same easy-to-use GUI interface.

    Optimized to Work in a Customer's Existing Environment

    • Storage Mirroring compares data and transports only the data that has changed. Sending "bytes" across a network reduces the impact on the network and eliminates the need for dedicated bandwidth.

    Faster availability and environmentally friendly delivery

    • Electronic Software Delivery (eSD) provides faster availability of HP software products with no paper management for you and zero environmental impact.

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